The policy for Westfal-Larsen companies is to operate in compliance with National and International Laws.



However, in cases of any suspected violations of the required compliance, a system for reporting has been established. The following are examples of such possible cases:


  • A breach, or likely breach, of any legal obligation or regulatory requirement;
  • Non-compliance with legislation and/or Company procedures, particularly in relation to health and safety at work;
  • The environment has been, or is likely to be, damaged;
  • A crime is being, or has been, committed, is suspected, or is likely to be committed;
  • Dishonesty, either verbally, written or through intentionally maintaining official log books or records inaccurately;
  • Malpractice or unethical conduct;
  • Miscarriages of justice; and
  • The deliberate concealment of any of the above.


The reporting is confidential for employees and third parties. They can report of any concerns they may have, for example of such matters as listed above.


You are encouraged to identify yourself, as this will help in carrying out a prompt and thorough investigation. It may also be useful as you can then be asked for further information, if necessary.



Ways of reporting:

  • Sending an email to: whistleblower @ wlco.no
  • Report through Whistleblowing form below